We offer a ten (10) year guarantee on all standard range Ad-Lib feeders and Range Master feeders.
This guarantee covers faulty workmanship and materials.
We offer a two (2) year guarantee on all ACO feeders and Custom Design Feeders.
This guarantee covers faulty workmanship and materials.
We offer a five (5) year warranty on all of our bespoke Tanks that have been designed and manufactured by Henderson Plastics Ltd.
This warranty covers faulty workmanship and materials.
We offer a two (2) year warranty on all of our bespoke Tanks that are of the customers design and have been manufactured by Henderson Plastics Ltd.
This warranty covers faulty workmanship and materials.
We offer a five (5) year guarantee on all of our standard design Vivariums/Terrariums.
This guarantee covers faulty workmanship and materials.
We offer a two (2) year guarantee on all Vivariums/Terrariums of the customers design that have been manufactured by Henderson Plastics Ltd.
This guarantee covers faulty workmanship and materials.